Monday, August 23, 2004

Still Waiting For A Winner

For all those who follow Olympic athletics and wonder why their favorite sport never catches on, we need only look at the mess that is gymnastics. Paul Hamm may be, or may not be or may be one of two gold medal winners in the men's all-around. Of course, the event was completed days ago, but the "decision" is still up for debate.

It's bad enough so many sports are at the complete whim of judges, but to have the winner still not be official this many days later is plain ridiculous. It's time to place the sport's whose outcome is determined by judges into a separate class of exhibition events. Give out medals, perhaps lots of them, but de-emphasize their importance. If it's truly sport, the winners should be somewhat self-evident. Otherwise, it's an art contest and that comes down to personal preference not ability.

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